Are creative people born? Or are they made by the world around them?
Are not everyone creative in his or her own way? Then how come a maid
servant use her native intelligence to finish work faster? Or is she
being smart, rather than being creative? Is there a difference between
the two?
A young professional who has dreamt all his career of being on his own professionally gets frustrated of not getting that “big” idea for a smart venture. In the age of start-ups and VCs, things shouldn’t be so difficult to bring life to such dreams. But, the basic tenet itself is absent – “big” idea. The “big” idea can be small, after all – it only has to be “smart”. The smart idea can be given life with creative ideas to develop itself into a sustainable venture.
But our poor frustrated pro isn’t actually seeing anything in his dream. He is only seeing start-ups start, some thrive, and some end as fast as they started. He has also exhausted his capacity to “think”. He is wondering if to get a “smart” idea, does he has to think “creatively”? It’s all back to square one! He isn’t creative. He can be smart, though.
Out of frustration, he jumps out of the queue, and treads his own way – feeling lost. In a way, he’s lost in thoughts – of doing something “big”, starting “small”, yet “smart”. Necessity breeds “smart thinking”, leading to creative actions, finally leading to success. First, sustain yourself, incubate your ideas, give birth to a “small” venture, bathe and feed it with “creative” action, see it grow to a well-developed entity.
Strive to thrive.
A young professional who has dreamt all his career of being on his own professionally gets frustrated of not getting that “big” idea for a smart venture. In the age of start-ups and VCs, things shouldn’t be so difficult to bring life to such dreams. But, the basic tenet itself is absent – “big” idea. The “big” idea can be small, after all – it only has to be “smart”. The smart idea can be given life with creative ideas to develop itself into a sustainable venture.
But our poor frustrated pro isn’t actually seeing anything in his dream. He is only seeing start-ups start, some thrive, and some end as fast as they started. He has also exhausted his capacity to “think”. He is wondering if to get a “smart” idea, does he has to think “creatively”? It’s all back to square one! He isn’t creative. He can be smart, though.
Out of frustration, he jumps out of the queue, and treads his own way – feeling lost. In a way, he’s lost in thoughts – of doing something “big”, starting “small”, yet “smart”. Necessity breeds “smart thinking”, leading to creative actions, finally leading to success. First, sustain yourself, incubate your ideas, give birth to a “small” venture, bathe and feed it with “creative” action, see it grow to a well-developed entity.
Strive to thrive.