Sunday 23 February 2014

On fish’s trail

Social media has traversed in a decade what mankind has in an age – its reach and influence on users is undoubted, but the value it commands in the marketplace is seemingly unrealistic.

The stories like that of WhatsApp’s founder’s rejection by Facebook in the earlier years add spice to the episode, but the social media giant’s buying of the mobile chatter demonstrated despondency than shrewdness – rather more emotional and less analytical business step.

On the contrary, it displayed a more analytical business stride by the younger one to have baited its older peer.

With all the noise that the buyout made in the market, the half-billion users seem to have silently approved the deal that shows the power of networking. The profile of users matters, too, which Facebook must have pondered over.

The onset of spring brings nostalgic memories of academic and fiscal year-end – a truly “testing” time either way; recently IPL overlapping the mood, added by the impendent polls this year.

The polls have already brought the polls before the polls – on the trail of the fish – the big ones at that – tracking their progress to the finish line. Or progress to finish. Either way. The sullied vie with the clean, notwithstanding their past records. And like fish, these big fish don’t leave a trail of them, however smutty. The just-concluded Lok Sabha had the distinction of being the worst in business, besides being the usual corrupt.

Nilekani is splashing Bangalore all over – his promises are yet to come of splashing Bangalore all over, and splashing Bangalore with all the hues. Recently RaGa met with the street vendors – wonder how it would seem when these vendors occupy the street before our homes. Legally permitted, licensed vendors, leaving you with no option.

Aiyer may be ruing his tea-jibe – now Lalu’s followers are having tea, too, following the brigade selling Rahul milk and Priyanka khichdi, taunting Modi’s tea to be of foreign origin. How staler could it become? Where’s the comparison heading? Does it tally (sounds familiar?)? Modi’s rivals are awaiting seeing stars, for they can join them akin to dots to see the emerging picture.

One of the twitters who’s followed wrote – beer pe baatcheet to complement chai pe charcha.